We do not store your keys. You have full control over your funds and on the associated private keys.
Keys management according to BIP-39, BIP-32 Bitcoin standards.
Ergo Wallet are supported on Windows, MacOS and Linux operating systems. A desktop wallet is an application that is installed directly on your computer.
Supports native tokens on Ergo Platform.
Send money to friends and family with ease.
All keys are derived from a single seed. Easy backup and import whole tree of keys.
Manage any number of wallets with our hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallet implementation. Have more control over how your funds are organized. Use our powerful back-up and restoration features to recover your funds if necessary.
Ergo Wallet is built on open-source technology, providing transparency and security for your digital assets. You can verify the integrity of our wallet, contribute to its development, and rest assured that your crypto holdings are in safe hands